Publications and Webinars

The following publications and on-demand webinars have been useful to our clients and colleagues. We hope that you find this helpful in your pursuit of Leadership Excellence.
"Leadership Charisma - Raising Productivity and Profits", 30 min Webinar, The Rodin Consulting Group, LLC, January 2011
"Practicing High Performance Leadership", white paper, The Rodin Consulting Group, LLC, April, 2005 more info
Retaining Talent: Retention and Succession in the Corporate Workforce, The Aberdeen Group, December, 2005 more info
“Growing Companies Must Utilize Solid Interviews", Los Angeles Business Journal, August, 2002 more info
Pre-employment Assessment and Testing: The State of the Art, The Aberdeen Group, June, 2005 more info
“Resumes as Fish Stories”, What's Working in Human Resources, June, 1999 more info
“Competitive Fishing — The Employer’s Guide to Catching Better Employees”, Executive Briefing, November, 2004 more info
“Lessons in Increasing Intelligence” , Robert Sternberberg, Yale University, published in The Bottom Line Personal, March, 1997 more info
"The Penalty of Leadership, The Saturday Evening Post, January, 1915 more info
“Time”, author unknown more info
“Don't Quit”, author unknown more info