Demonstration Sites for Assessment Center and Hiring Portal:

To take a tour of the on-line assessment tools we offer through our partnership with Profiles International please visit the demo web portals below.
Profiles on the Web Demo Portal:
For clients participating in most of our on-line assessments, this demo web portal illustrates how participants and assessment administrators interact with these tools.
- Follow the link below:
http://demo.profilesinternational.com/potw/ - Leave passwords blank and hit the "Login" button to being your self-guided tour.
Checkpoint 360 and SkillBuilder Web Demo Portal:
For clients participating in the Checkpoint360 multi-rater feedback assessment, visit this site to view actual questions and web navigation.
- Follow the link below:
http://demo.profilesinternational.com/checkpoint/ - Leave passwords and security codes blank and hit the “Login”, “Begin” or “Continue” buttons to explore the site.
iApplicants Hiring Portal:
For clients wishing to tour the automated applicant tracking system, please visit the link below:
- Follow the link below:
http://www.trackingapplicants.com/rodin.html/ - You will be asked to register -- then the on-line demo will begin.