Real Teamwork™
Skills for High Performing Teams

Create successful, self-managed teams by addressing the core competencies that move teams from a collection of individuals to a high-performing unit. These skills include: goal planning, team decision-making, feedback & conflict resolution, time and meeting management, group interactions, roles and accountability measures.

Real Teamwork enables businesses to rapidly respond to the changing environment.


  • Utilizes the talents of all team members
  • Optimizes mangers’ time
  • Creates “flatter” organizations
  • Foster mutual cooperation


  • Conflict from internal competition
  • “Brain drain”
  • Skills imbalance
  • Task delegation


  • Newly formed teams.
  • Team leaders and project managers.
  • In-tact teams that desire to be more cohesive and productive.
  • Department managers or supervisors and their employees.

This program is essential for “jump-starting” the work of newly formed teams, their managers, and sponsors by moving them quickly to high-performance.


This program is tailored to the team’s experience, history, and specific performance goals, from over 14 unique half-day workshops. Issues specific to the team are addressed such as chartering and defining roles and responsibilities. Workshops offer ample time for the team to work on their specific goals and deliverables.

The program is best delivered in spaced-intervals, 1 or 2 half-day sessions per month. Between sessions, the team has specific assignments to reinforce the concepts. Alternatively, several workshops may be delivered in a retreat (off-site) session. This allows for focused energy and attention on team development. Immediate and dramatic results are realized after a few workshop sessions.

Training materials, workbooks and other materials are included.